Ask us about how we can boost your hydroponic or aeroponic system!

Hydroponic systems are designed to adjust to their environment based on monitored samples, allowing for the input of water, nutrients, and pH enhancers to be altered as needed. They are generally powered by renewable energy sources and are energy-efficient. The benefits of hydroponics include reduced water consumption, reduced land use, and a pest-free growing environment. The use of electronic devices, sensors, pumps, and interfaces helps to maintain a closed-loop system that ensures all nutrients are delivered to the plants and reduces the risk of agricultural runoff. TerraStim can help prevent the buildup of biofilm and slime in hydroponic systems. It can also help plants maintain healthy immune systems and grow faster, resulting in increased yield. In addition, TerraStim can increase the absorption of nutrients, potentially reducing costs. By using TerraStim in a hydroponic system, growers can enjoy the benefits of a clean, efficient, and cost-effective growing environment.

Ask us about how we can boost your hydroponic or aeroponic system!
Ask us about how we can boost your hydroponic or aeroponic system!
Ask us about how we can boost your hydroponic or aeroponic system!